Gingelly Oil Uses

Gingelly oil is another name for sesame oil. Sesame oil is an edible vegetable oil derived from sesame seeds. And also gingelly oil is used as cooking oil in south India. Sesame oil is truly a present from the god. But those benefits are intact as well as available only when you use cold-pressed sesame oils. Pavizham, the largest oil manufacturer in south India produces the best quality sesame oil.

Uses Of Gingelly Oil

Traditionally, Gingelly oil uses in Indian households for massaging the baby daily. Studies reveal that this oil not only helps in increasing blood circulation but also induces a timely sleep pattern in the newborn.

Moreover, sesame seeds that have been in cultivation for thousands of years are perhaps the oldest oil-rich seeds. It is known as the ‘queen of oil seeds’, strongly endorsed by Ayurveda and other traditional forms of medicine for stimulating body heat, and energy, and for skin, and hair benefits. These tiny seeds are a must-have in every Indian household.

Grown in the pods of Sesamum indicum (botanical name), a flowering plant mostly found in the tropical regions of India and Africa. Sesame is a cash-rich crop that can withstand severe drought conditions.

Known as Tila in Sanskrit, Til in Hindi, Ellu in Tamil, and Nuvvulu in Telugu. Sesame seeds hold equal significance in Indian medicinal forms like Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani, cuisines, and rituals.

These nutty-flavored seeds have the ability to treat metabolic disorders, inflammatory diseases, as well as infectious diseases. Include a spoonful of sesame in your daily diet for its antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic, and anti-cancerous properties, among others. It protects your liver health and is a gastroprotective factor besides restoring hormonal balance in women.

Sesame seeds are a powerhouse of protein for building muscle mass, oil, mineral ash, fiber, soluble carbohydrates, phytate, a host of B vitamins, and dietary minerals like magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, and phosphorous. 

These tiny, oily seeds are available in the market in various avatars. One can find them unhulled – with intact edible and outer husk, hulled ones without the husk, black sesame seeds, and roasted ones in golden brown color. Choose any variety and include them in your daily diet to derive numerous health benefits.

Amazing Benefits of Gingelly

1. Rich Source Of Fibre:

Sesame seeds are an amazing source of fiber. Around 30 grams of unhulled sesame seeds provide you with 3.25 grams of fiber amounting to 12 percent of referred daily intake. A good amount of fiber intake promotes digestion, prevents certain types of cancers, provides heart health, reduces the risk of obesity, and controls type 2 diabetes.


2. Healthy Bones:

Regular consumption of sesame seeds along with hull provides good amounts of calcium, especially for women which in turn contributes to healthy bones. Since these seeds contain natural compounds like phytates and oxalates. These may slow down the absorption of nutrients in the body, and eat them after roasting, soaking, or sprouting. This will reduce the concentration of these natural compounds by at least half, facilitating more nutrient absorption.


3. Heals Inflammation:

Various studies reveal that sesame seeds top the list of anti-inflammatory foods, thanks to sesamin a rich compound found both in seeds and oil. Chronic inflammation can lead to obesity, cancer, and ups risk of heart diseases and kidney ailments.


4. Reduces Cholesterol and Triglycerides:

Sesame seeds possess around 15 percent of saturated fats, 39 percent of monounsaturated fat, and 41 percent of polyunsaturated fat. Higher amounts of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats along with two plant compounds – lignans and phytosterols widely present in the seeds control the levels of bad cholesterol. Doctors recommend eating around 40 grams of sesame seeds daily, to witness around a 10 percent reduction in total triglycerides.


5. Rich Source of Vitamin B:

Many vegetarians are reportedly Vitamin B deficient. B vitamins are responsible for various bodily functions like boosting metabolism and regulating cell function. Around 30 grams of both hulled and unhulled sesame seeds provide 19 percent of thiamine, 11 percent of niacin, and 14 percent of vitamin B6 and help you meet your daily dose of vitamin B.


6. Fights Oxidative Stress:

Consuming sesame seeds regularly increases anti-oxidant activity in blood, works against oxidative stress, and prevents various chronic diseases. In fact, these seeds are also a rich source of gamma-tocopherol, a type of vitamin E that provides good skin health.


7. Improves Immunity:

These seeds are a rich source of various nutrients like selenium, copper, zinc, iron, vitamin B6, and vitamin E that play a crucial role in the production of white blood cells to fight infections. If you are suffering from zinc deficiency, eat these nutty seeds to boost your levels.

8. Plant Protein:

Sesame is a rich plant protein source and a serving of 30 grams can provide you with 5 grams of protein. Studies reveal that hulled and roasted seeds are high in protein as the process reduces the amounts of oxalates and phytates that can interfere with nutrient absorption. Take these seeds daily to build healthy muscles and stronger bones.



The brand Pavizham is a reputed name in the manufacturing of rice, rice-related items, and oils in Kerala. The brand is being promoted under the name Pavizham Healthier Diet Pvt. Ltd. Its inception revolutionized the rice milling sector by importing the most up-to-date equipment and technology available worldwide.

Through its extensive network, the brand is known in all of India’s main cities. With businesses throughout the Middle East, Europe, and the USA, it has a broad network and strategic alliances. The company holds its own vehicle fleet for transportation. The business network proliferates with over 4,000 shops throughout Kerala as well as in major cities like Mumbai and Delhi. The company holds specialized knowledge in setting up rice mills, large-scale cultivation, and creating rice-based value-added products. The sole business with a refinery for rice bran oil in Kerala is Pavizham. Along with other oil products, we offer refined rice bran oil and coconut oil. The company’s production constitutes a good proportion of the total edible oil business in Kerala as well as India. 



